“Whatever It Takes” – this has been my mantra throughout my career. Early in my career, I had the honor and privilege to work for an AMAZING principal (amazing is truly an understatement, I don’t have words that accurately reflect how impactful this principal was personally and professionally); she bought the entire staff the book, “Whatever It Takes, How Professional Learning Communities Respond When Kids Don’t Learn”.  Yes, the book was good and provided me with many ideas on how to shape my PLCs to address student learning, but what was more inspirational was the dialogue we, as a staff, had that year about the title, “Whatever It Takes”.

I started to ask myself, on a daily basis, “Am I doing Whatever It Takes in my career to be the best teacher, leader, follower, learner, etc.?” As educators, we are generally WAY TOO hard on ourselves, but by realistically checking in with myself to ensure I was doing “whatever it takes” I was able to open many opportunities for myself, my students, building, and district!  I was also able to push myself to be better than I was the day before. 

Over the past month, as I engage with my professional learning networks, I am blown away by educators’ ability to do “Whatever It Takes” as we return to school this fall still in the midst of the COVID crisis.  Below you will find many of the impressive ideas/thoughts I have seen on Twitter in the past 30 days, I hope you find them valuable and inspirational in your journey to do “Whatever It Takes”.

  1. @MrsRooneysRoom – Christine
    • Use Google Jamboard to work collaboratively online.  Students can jot their thoughts anonymously (if you want)
  1. @edutopia – Edutopia
  1. @Kbahri5 – Kellie Bahri 
    • Taped student’s photos to their chair so students could visualize themselves in their classroom while learning remotely!
  1. @kasal_finley – Dawn Kasal Finley
  1. @MrsRyder58 – Megan Ryder
    • Stay organized within your Google Drive by utilizing Workspaces
  1. @JonKas82 – Jonathan Kasica
    • Celebrate your students’ birthdays by adding an announcement to your homepage (Canvas, Google Classroom, Haiku, Schoology, etc.)
  1. @shanateaches – Shana Ramin
  1. @SlidesManiaSM – SlidesMania
  1. @venezia_megan – Megan Venezia
  1. @KaneCountyROE – Kane County ROE
    • Get your professional learning delivered to your home with “Inspire” – a subscription professional learning box

Isn’t it amazing?!?! Educators across the globe are doing “Whatever It Takes” to adapt to our new norm, meet students where THEY are at social/emotionally/academically and be as flexible as possible with decisions being “fluid”.  

What are you doing that falls under “Whatever It Takes” for your students?  Please share your “Whatever It Takes” ideas with us by responding to this blog or Tweet it out and tag @KaneCounty ROE…who knows there might just be a special “surprise” for the first to respond!!

Katie Algrim – Director of Innovative Professional Learning
(t): 630-444-3044
(c): 630-675-4447
(e): kalgrim@kaneroe.org

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