Wow…two questions that one would think would be simple to answer; but are they really?

I have been in my new role at the Kane County Regional Office of Education (ROE) for about two weeks and have been asked these questions and those similar countless times throughout my two weeks.  It is the generic, uncomfortable, yet unavoidable “elevator pitch” we all encounter as we meet new people, enter new roles, and start building relationships.  However, I have realized that as a society we rarely answer the questions the way they are intended.

Personal Experience –

I am at my husband’s (Mike) grand opening of his new office for work (he works for First National Bank and recently opened an office in Geneva!) I am greeted with warm smiles and handshakes from his clients where the following dialogue was then repeated with each new acquaintance…

“Hi, I’m Katie Algrim…Mike’s wife.”

They respond with their name and then define their relationship with Mike, then ask, “What do you do?”

I respond politely, “I am the new Director of Innovative Professional Learning for the Kane County Regional Office of Education.”

Followed by that statement is always the, “Oh congratulations!”

But here is the thing….in my introduction I said I am Katie, Mike’s wife…but I am not just Mike’s wife….there is so much more to me than a wife (not that I want to downplay that role in my life, I love being a wife…don’t get me wrong) but it doesn’t define me.

So….Who am I?

I am a…

  • Teacher
  • Mom
  • Student
  • Long-distance runner
  • Friend
  • Avid reader
  • Choco-holic
  • Techie
  • …and yes a wife…to list a just few words to describe who I am.

I then noticed that I answered the question, “What do you do?” by stating the title of my role, not actually what I do…

So…What do I do?


These are just a few ways that I am here as a teacher, student, and colleague to help the Kane County School Districts in any way that I can.

The goal of this blog is to provide a venue for professional learning and celebrations.  This blog is about you the educator, the frontline employee, working with our students everyday.  I am here to help support you on your journey.  I will provide a “progress report” on a regular basis with progressive educational practices.  I hope to challenge current practices, provide support, and constantly make “progress” as educational institutions to best serve our students (the whole student) for their future.

If a topic/resource is of interest to you or you have questions about a post please reach out to me so we can work together to progress forward.  Also, if you have topics for blog posts, or celebrations to share, please contact me so I can share your success with others and help foster collaborative relationships outside the boundaries of your building, district, etc.

So…you know who I am, what I do, and how I am here to help support you.  However, I would really like to know you and how I can support you for the upcoming 2017-2018 school year.  Here is a bit of a challenge for you….the first 10 people to contact me introducing yourself, what you do, and possibly ways I can help support you and your professional learning plan this year will receive a surprise from myself and the ROE!  Hope to hear from you soon!

Katie Algrim – Director of Innovative Professional Learning




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