We all know the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child”.  Well my child grew up and left home on Friday. No, not my biological child (she is only 6), I am talking about my work baby….Kane County Institute Day!!  #ID2020 The analytics are in, with over 20 different host sites across the county, 180+ presenters, all 9 Kane County Districts in attendance (plus many private schools and non-Kane publics), and over 3,000 participants it takes more than a village it takes a county!!

I can’t begin to thank our amazing host sites, tech staff, presenters & ROE staff!  The amount of time, organization, volunteers and coordination it takes to pull off a day of professional learning such as Kane County Institute Day is shocking…but totally worth it!!  I sincerely thank you for your dedication to our professional, our educators, and students!  

This year, on our feedback survey, I included a question, “What do you like most about Kane County Institute Day?”  The responses that have come in are a true testament of the professionalism of our educators and the value of Kane County Institute Day, here are a few that I thought I’d share:

  • “Extremely well organized and courses offered are strong.”
  • “We were able to choose to attend the breakout sessions most relevant to our individual needs.”
  • “Professionalism for art instructors”
  • “Going to other districts to learn practices/programs that are working for them.”
  • “The variety of sessions.”
  • “Opportunity to network with other educators while learning.”

At the end of a long day it is easy to feel exhausted and reflect on all the items you would tweak and do differently the next year.  However, on Friday night I had the opposite reflection, I was energized and if I’m being totally honest, missing the classroom a bit! I had the privilege at being at Geneva High School on Friday, the energy that filled the air from educators was incredible.  Listening to the strategies and resources being shared across districts and talking about how to immediately implement changes in their educational practices…..I get goosebumps even thinking about it now!  

If you didn’t have an opportunity to participate in our Kane County Institute Day, or if you are wanting to see the amazing presenters and learning taking place across other host sites in the county be sure to check out #ID2020 on Twitter. 

Thank you Kane County for being part of my village and for an amazing day of professional learning!!

Katie Algrim – Director of Innovative Professional Learning

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