About a month ago my husband made a career change.  The interview process he went through was intense.  The process was about 3 months long and consisted of small groups, in-person, online, 1:1 interviews, regional tours, and even a personality test.  Throughout every step of the process he learned something about himself and became more excited about the people he would be working with and the position he would be filling.  I am excited to say that a month into his new position he is just as excited and thoroughly enjoys his position! 

Obviously when someone changes their career it has a profound impact on the family; however, one aspect of his interview process that continues to come back in our relationship, months later, is the personality test he had to complete, the Myers-Briggs 16 Personalities assessment.  My husband became adamant that I complete the assessment.  I procrastinated taking it, as an educator I’ve taken several personality tests from the Enneagram to the DISC assessment so what was the personality test really going to show me that I didn’t already know?  He sent me his results and followed up with me (often) to see if I had read it and what I thought about it.  Obviously he was persistent and this wasn’t going to be something I could ignore, so one rainy summer evening I completed the assessment.

I was shocked, it was the most thorough and accurate personality assessment I had ever taken. It only took me about 10-15 minutes to complete the entire assessment, but as I opened up the results I was eerily shocked with the accuracy and depth of the results!  The results break down your strengths and weaknesses, how your personalities impact your romantic relationships, friendships, parenthood, career paths, and workplace habits.  Here is a great video that breaks down all 16 personality types:

There are many benefits in knowing your personality type and of knowing others.  Below I have outlined some benefits of taking the 16 Personalities assessment, having your colleagues/friends/family take the assessment, and even your students (if you teach older students). 

Benefits of taking the 16 Personalities assessment and knowing other’s results:

  • Being self-aware and reflective is key in applying social emotional skills.  Taking the 16 personality assessment can be the first step in diving deep into becoming self-aware.
    • Knowing your personality type helps to promote introspection.  Self-reflection is key in growing as an individual and professional.  Take time to think about your weaknesses, how they impact your daily life and what you can do to improve while also recognizing your strengths and how you can continue to nurture them.
  • As you are more aware of other’s personalities, what makes them tick, their thought process, etc, you can become more empathetic and conscientious of them as individuals and where they are coming from. 
    • Knowing others’ personality types can help you as you engage in crucial conversations but it can also help you understand others’ perspectives and thought process as you make team decisions. 
  • You can use the summary as a starting point to discuss job opportunities and build meaningful relationships with others.
    • You learn so much about another person by reading about their personality/results.  I’ve known my husband for 19+ years and feel I learned so much about him after reading his personality summary, it was a fun way to connect after 19 years.  Imagine what you can learn about your students from this assessment!?!?!

So if you are like I was initially and thinking, been there-done that, not another personality assessment, I HIGHLY encourage you to think again and take the 10-15 min assessment.  I promise you the time won’t be wasted as you embark on this journey of self-awareness and reflection.  So please break for a few moments and take the assessment by clicking here.  I promise you it will be time well spent and you will reap the benefits after you synthesize the results! 

Katie Algrim – Director of Innovative Professional Learning

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