The end of the year is approaching fast and holidays are upon us! For educators, this is a well-deserved break after a long and challenging semester. This break is a time for rejuvenation – a time to reflect on the past semester and plan for the year ahead. It’s also a time to relax and do the things you love, with family and friends.

However, the holidays can also be a stressful time, with all the pressures of family, work, and social events. To help you navigate this time, I’ve compiled some tips for educators to make the most of their break.

Most teachers enter the profession with a wealth of idealism and energy. They are excited to make a difference in the lives of their students and hopeful that they will be able to change the world. However, over time, the realities of the job can wear down even the most dedicated teachers. It is important to rejuvenate your teaching practices on a regular basis in order to remain effective and prevent burnout.

According to Stephanie Knight in the article “The Heart of a Teacher: 6 ways to Refresh, Refocus, and Rejuvenate”, there are some key ideas that teachers can use to get that well deserved break.

  • Rest your mind and body
  • Check in with the foods you are eating
  • Release feelings and frustrations that don’t serve you
  • Seek a connection with others
  • Form a community for support
  • Refocus your purpose

Once you have found that purpose again, there are a number of ways to rejuvenate your teaching practices. One of the most important things you can do is to keep up with the latest research in education. New educational research can help you to find innovative ways to reach your students. Reading articles in publications like Ed Week or Educational Leadership can keep you up to date on current practices. You can also rejuvenate your teaching practices by attending professional development workshops or taking courses. These can help you to learn new teaching strategies and refresh your knowledge of the latest educational research. Another idea is to seek out feedback from your students and colleagues on what works well and what could be improved. There are also many professional development opportunities available to teachers, such as workshops, conferences, and online courses. Here at the ROE, there are many different professional learning opportunities that are flexible and can meet your needs.

No matter what method you choose, taking some time to rejuvenate yourself and  your teaching practices can be extremely beneficial. It can help you stay excited and engaged in your work, and it can also provide your students with a more enriching and enjoyable learning experience.

John Dabell wisely said “How do you want to go back to school, at peace or in pieces?” in his post “It’s time to take a break”. Don’t feel bad about giving your brain a breather, seeing your family and friends, and making new memories. Don’t forget that there are little steps that you can take to keep your teaching current. By making a commitment to refresh your teaching practices, you can ensure that you are providing your students with the best possible education.

Enjoy your well-deserved break and make some plans about how to rejuvenate your passion for teaching in the new year.  Do you have some great strategies that you use to find your purpose?  What might you do to rejuvenate your teaching?  Please join in the conversation by tagging us @KaneCountyROE.

Raven Szalkowski – Professional Learning Coordinator
(t):  630-762-2056

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